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Various events can occure in a Galaxy life...

BLACKHOLE with few intial Stars and planets
STAR Creation comes as a whole system with planets
LIFE A - Emergence of a simple life form
LIFE B - Emergence of a complex life form
Kardachev type 0 Civilisation
Kardachev type 1 Civilisation
Kardachev type 2 Civilisation
Kardachev type 3 Civilisation
STAR DEATH - Remove a star and its planets
PLANET COLLISION - 2 planets get vaporized
SUPER NOVA - Reduce Life forms and civilisations by 2 or 3
WAR - Interplanetary or interstellar wars kill a civilisation

Star creation frequency

A new Star is created when a visitor loads the page and his IP address has not yet been loading it within a specific time frame wich depends on the quantity of stars already in the Galaxy.

Stars in Galaxy Star Creation Frequency
0 - 50 stars +1/IP address/1h
50 - 100 Stars +1/IP address/2h
100 - 500 Stars +1/IP address/4 h
500 - 1000 Stars +1/IP address/12 h
+1000 Stars +1/IP address/24 h


Galaxies are massive collections of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter, held together by gravity. They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, from small dwarf galaxies to huge spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way.

There are many amazing things about galaxies:

  1. Incredible Size: The size of galaxies is simply mind-boggling, with some spanning hundreds of thousands of light-years across.

  2. Diversity of Forms: Galaxies come in many shapes and sizes, including spiral, elliptical, barred spiral, and irregular. This diversity is due to the various factors that contribute to a galaxy's formation and evolution.

  3. Star Formation: Galaxies are birthplace of stars, and within them, stars are born, live their lives, and eventually die, releasing their chemical elements back into the interstellar medium, enriching the galaxy and allowing for the formation of new generations of stars.

  4. Black Holes: Many galaxies have supermassive black holes at their centers, which can have masses millions to billions of times that of our Sun. These black holes play a crucial role in regulating the growth and evolution of galaxies.

  5. Cosmic Evolution: Galaxies have evolved over time, with some of the oldest galaxies in the universe being just a few billion years old, while others have formed much more recently. Studying galaxies at different stages in their evolution can tell us a lot about the history of the universe and how it has changed over time.

These are just a few examples of the many amazing things about galaxies. Overall, they are fascinating objects that continue to captivate scientists and the general public alike.

Kardachev & Civilisations

The Kardashev Scale is a theoretical classification system for civilizations based on their level of technological advancement, first proposed by the Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. The scale ranges from Type 0 to Type III, with higher numbers indicating more advanced civilizations.

Type 0: A civilization that has not yet reached the level of harnessing energy on a planetary scale.

Type I: A civilization that has achieved mastery of the energy resources of its home planet.

Type II: A civilization that has achieved mastery of the energy of its star, such as through the use of a Dyson sphere.

Type III: A civilization that has achieved mastery of the energy of its entire galaxy.

Type III+: A civilization that has surpassed the limits of the galaxy and is able to harness the energy of multiple galaxies or even the entire universe.

The Kardashev Scale is a useful concept for thinking about the potential development and advancement of extraterrestrial civilizations, but it is important to note that it is purely theoretical and has not been directly observed or proven. Its value lies in the way it can help us to think about the possible range of technological capabilities for civilizations beyond our own.


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